I strongly believe his literary work speaks for itself: it’s excellence in all its forms. But few get to know the person behind his works; so that is what I’d like to summarize.

    There’s a book I read called The Bible and a special quote from Proverbs 27:9 says that “a sweet friendship refreshes the soul”. It aptly describes Selwyn, the friend. Each encounter with him is refreshing. For years now, we have deliberately worked at building a bond that’s often been punctuated by tears, frustrations, laughter and testimonies.

    Selwyn is the cheerleader everyone needs in their life – that one person who will and can speak to your inner person with wisdom and faith. It’s this voice of reason that comes through in his writings and also his coaching platform.

    I have no doubt that others will mirror what I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing – the refreshing that comes after an encounter with my dear friend Selwyn.

    Gone and shine; blind us with your brilliance. The world is ready for you…